Jason Sea, MD, Featured Faculty

The University of Florida’s Department of Urology has recently partnered with Orlando Health and I am proud to be one of the first physicians in this collaboration. It is an honor to have this opportunity to serve the residents of Orlando, and Florida.

Urology encompasses issues and disorders of the urinary tract, including but not limited to the bladder, kidneys, prostate, testis and penis. My training in urology began at the University of British Columbia where I gained broad expertise in the field. In particular, we had a high volume of referrals for complex oncology cases. Although I became comfortable with traditional open surgical techniques, I also learnt that in many circumstances patients could benefit from minimally invasive surgery. These procedures are associated with decreased blood loss, fewer blood transfusions, faster recovery from hospital, faster return to normal activity, and less pain in the recovery period.

After completion of my residency training, I completed a fellowship in minimally invasive urologic surgery (MIS) at Indiana University. This encompassed the areas of endourology, laparoscopic surgery and robotic urologic surgery. Laparoscopic and robotic procedures allow surgeons to perform complex procedures within the abdomen through the use of miniature instruments. Advanced high-definition 3D cameras inserted into the body allow magnification 10-12X enhancing the visibility of the surgeon. Procedures that are commonly performed with a MIS approach include removal of kidney tumors or nonfunctioning kidneys, repair of obstructed kidneys, removal of prostate cancer, removal of adrenal tumors, and repair of ureteric obstruction.

My research at Indiana University focused on the training methods employed to teach new and inexperienced robotic surgeons. I was also involved in research studying prototype equipment for treatment of kidney tumors with ultrasound energy. My duties also involved creating instructional videos that could be used to educate other surgeons on the most recent techniques and outcomes.

Although it is important to be a skilled surgeon, I am only one member of a team of diverse specialists. Our clinic is located adjacent to the Orlando Regional Medical Center and is associated with the UF Cancer Center. This relationship allows me to take the best care of my patients, allowing access to the latest surgical technology and giving me direct access to a multidisciplinary team of specialists with expertise in treatment of urologic cancers.

I am excited to be offering services in the Orlando area and hope to be meeting you soon.