The UroGators alumni society established as an educational priority several years ago the funding of a permanent visiting professorship. A permanent visiting professorship is an important element of most top tier urology programs and adds value and prestige to the program. The David M Drylie Visiting Professorship was established more than a decade ago in recognition as an early pioneering chief of the urology division at the University of Florida. The UroGators established the Heritage Campaign in 2010 to complete the fund raising necessary to make this goal a reality. On November 8, 2013, the inaugural visiting professorship was awarded to Peter Scardino, MD from Memorial Sloan Kettering in the presence of the Drylie family consisting of his 4 children and their families as well the large number of UroGators in attendance. Dr. Johannes Vieweg, chairman of the Department of Urology, delivered a heart-felt and fitting tribute to Dr. Drylie and emphasized the importance of Dr. Scardino’s participation in this newly established annual event.
The Friday night celebration at the President’s house also served to recognize Dr. Zev Wajsman as the recipient of the life time achievement award known as the Golden Gator. Dr. Wajsman’s compassion and wisdom inspired decades of UF urology residents and fellows, many of which were in attendance along with his family. Dr. Mike Wehle, as his first chief resident, uniquely and effectively reminded us all that Zev Wajsman was the missing chapter in Campbell’s Urology that completed the transition to competent and caring urological practitioners. The event included an unveiling of an oil portrait of Dr. Wajsman to hang permanently in the urology conference room.
The UroGator alumni regrouped on Saturday morning for a memorable tailgate prior to the homecoming game. This was one more opportunity for past residents and fellows to interconnect with each other and with current faculty and residents. The UroGators have a proud past and a bright and engaging future. This weekend event was a grand success and will be a part of the ongoing tradition of our organization. Our mission remains to enhance fellowship, to promote education and to support and advise the Department of Urology. Thank you for being part of our community.