The annual UroGators AUA reception was recently held in Orlando and was another resounding success. Attendance grows each year with a mixture of young, older and soon to be UroGators, as well as friends from all over the country. The camaraderie and enjoyment of food, drink, and Gator atmosphere were briefly interrupted by recognition of our heritage and mission. The UroGators continue to promote fellowship and communication among former and current residents and fellows, to support the advancement of urologic education for residents and members, and to serve as advisors and supporters of the UF Department of Urology. The UroGators Advisory Board, UF Foundation representative Ted Kruljac, and UF Urology residents, staff and faculty were recognized and thanked for their many efforts. The “team” is largely responsible for the continued rise of UF Urology in national prestige and esteem and the department currently ranks number 18 in the country.
Additional UroGators events for this year included the annual UF Urology CME seminar series held in Orlando in February, the upcoming Chief Resident graduation in June and the 2nd annual David M. Drylie Visiting Professorship events scheduled for the weekend of November 21st and 22nd. This special weekend event follows in the hugely successful format established last Fall and includes a Grand Rounds presentation from Dr. David Diamond from Boston Children’s Hospital, followed by a celebration reception at the President’s House and a tailgate party and Gators football game on Saturday. The significance of a fully-funded visiting professorship to the educational mission of an institution cannot be over- stated and is the result of all of you that made generous donations. It also gives us an opportunity to recognize one of Florida urology’s pioneers and standard bearers in the person of Dr. Dixon Walker with the presentation of a lifetime achievement award at the President’s House reception. I am sure that all of you that became better urologists as a result of his teaching will be anxious to participate. Information including requests for hotel rooms and football tickets will be forthcoming. Thanks for being part of your alumni society.
Thomas F. Stringer, MD, FACS
Medical Director Department of Urology
University of Florida